Monthly Archives: September 2015

30 09, 2015

Choosing a Financial Advisor

By |2024-06-21T16:00:23-07:00September 30th, 2015|Advisory|0 Comments

Choosing a Financial Advisor Choosing a financial advisor to manage your life savings should not be taken lightly. They will make the difference between financial success and trouble. In this article, we will go over how you should go about choosing the best financial advisor for your own personal needs. Financial Advisor vs. Financial [...]

23 09, 2015

Medicare Misconceptions

By |2020-11-03T13:37:52-07:00September 23rd, 2015|Financial|0 Comments

Medicare Misconceptions Medicare misconceptions are dangerous. They can wreak havoc on your retirement and financial plan. This article clears up three common Medicare misconceptions to help you navigate Medicare successfully. 1. Medicare is Free Medicare Part A is free of premium for most people. But Part B has a monthly premium. In 2021, this [...]

10 09, 2015

Probate Basics-What is a Probate?

By |2020-10-23T09:04:23-07:00September 10th, 2015|Legal Documents|0 Comments

Probate Basics-What is a Probate? Probate is the court-supervised process of distributing a deceased person’s estate. An estate is the total value of an individual’s assets at their passing. This includes bank accounts, investment accounts, real estate, and personal property. There are different levels of court supervision depending on the complexities of the case. [...]

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